2020-21 School Year - Instructor: Mrs. Renfroe | Click here for this year's Syllabus
Course Number 8209520 | Course Credit: 1 | Counts as either a Fine Arts Credit or Elective Credit
For work turned in late, 10 points are deducted for each school day.
NOTE: Students must have taken and passed Digital Design I with an 85 or better AND passed the Adobe Photoshop CC Industry Certification Exam in order to be enrolled in Digital Design II.
Course Description: This course continues the development of entry level skills required for careers in the animation industry. The content includes logic, storyboarding, javascript, actionscript, digital publishing operations, layout, design, measurement activities, and digital imaging as well as communication, collaboration & decision-making activities, critical thinking and problem solving. Students will be expected to meet the course competency listed and be able to demonstrate their understanding of the underlying concepts. The instructions will be application-based with a minimum of lectures and demonstrations. The course requires student research and completion of all projects. Students will work individually to complete several projects that enable the student to learn how to work independently work to accomplish a task. Assignments will require students to draw upon academic skills in mathematics, science, and language arts to successfully complete assigned projects. Student assessment will be based on individual completion of projects, written reports, final portfolio quizzes of student’s knowledge of important design concepts and demonstrations of these skills in carrying out projects. Students will explain how they worked through the assignment and considered various alternatives to complete the project.
$5.00 Lab Fee: This lab fee is applied to the textbooks, handouts, and computer & printer supplies and maintenance of classroom equipment. Please submit your fee to the instructor via cash or check made payable to GBHS or use the electronic payment method via the Parent Portal. We will be printing numerous assignments during the school year for students to retain in a portfolio.
Evaluation & Online Grade Access (Parent Portal)
Quizzes, class work, homework, class participation and projects will be calculated in the student's grades. Students are expected to take notes when such work is given. Students will also be required to take an Industry Certification Exam near the end of the first semester in Photoshop. Tests/Projects=50%, Class Assignments=40% and Participation=10% of the student’s nine weeks grade.
Supplies Needed Daily: Pen/pencil, paper, folder with brads, USB 2GB or more, headphones, DIGITAL CAMERAS with peripherals or Gmail accounts for sending and receiving images, toys from home for stop-motion animations will be needed daily. Students need to keep up with handouts and project requirements during the school year.
Download the following books to the thumb drive:
"Making an Animated Short" by Morr Meroz .pdf | "The Animator's Survival Kit" by Richard Williams
I am looking forward to a great year and hope you are too!
Please sign and return the bottom of this sheet to Mrs. Renfroe before the end of the first week of school.
I have read and understand the contents of the Syllabus and the student handbook and Code of Conduct. I will adhere to the rules and policies described therein.
**Please download the Course Syllabus for complete information regarding class rules/regulations and work required for Digital Design II.
Course Number 8209520 | Course Credit: 1 | Counts as either a Fine Arts Credit or Elective Credit
For work turned in late, 10 points are deducted for each school day.
NOTE: Students must have taken and passed Digital Design I with an 85 or better AND passed the Adobe Photoshop CC Industry Certification Exam in order to be enrolled in Digital Design II.
Course Description: This course continues the development of entry level skills required for careers in the animation industry. The content includes logic, storyboarding, javascript, actionscript, digital publishing operations, layout, design, measurement activities, and digital imaging as well as communication, collaboration & decision-making activities, critical thinking and problem solving. Students will be expected to meet the course competency listed and be able to demonstrate their understanding of the underlying concepts. The instructions will be application-based with a minimum of lectures and demonstrations. The course requires student research and completion of all projects. Students will work individually to complete several projects that enable the student to learn how to work independently work to accomplish a task. Assignments will require students to draw upon academic skills in mathematics, science, and language arts to successfully complete assigned projects. Student assessment will be based on individual completion of projects, written reports, final portfolio quizzes of student’s knowledge of important design concepts and demonstrations of these skills in carrying out projects. Students will explain how they worked through the assignment and considered various alternatives to complete the project.
$5.00 Lab Fee: This lab fee is applied to the textbooks, handouts, and computer & printer supplies and maintenance of classroom equipment. Please submit your fee to the instructor via cash or check made payable to GBHS or use the electronic payment method via the Parent Portal. We will be printing numerous assignments during the school year for students to retain in a portfolio.
Evaluation & Online Grade Access (Parent Portal)
Quizzes, class work, homework, class participation and projects will be calculated in the student's grades. Students are expected to take notes when such work is given. Students will also be required to take an Industry Certification Exam near the end of the first semester in Photoshop. Tests/Projects=50%, Class Assignments=40% and Participation=10% of the student’s nine weeks grade.
Supplies Needed Daily: Pen/pencil, paper, folder with brads, USB 2GB or more, headphones, DIGITAL CAMERAS with peripherals or Gmail accounts for sending and receiving images, toys from home for stop-motion animations will be needed daily. Students need to keep up with handouts and project requirements during the school year.
Download the following books to the thumb drive:
"Making an Animated Short" by Morr Meroz .pdf | "The Animator's Survival Kit" by Richard Williams
- COMPETENCIES: Animated & Graphic Arts grading uses a competency based educational approach by moving control of learning from the “instructor” to the “learner.” A competency is simply a statement of learning outcomes for a skill or a body of knowledge. When students demonstrate a “competency,” they are demonstrating their ability to do something. They are showing the outcome of the learning process. Lots of the things that people do in their lives can be defined as different competencies job skills, living skills, etc. Mastery levels are determined by course project rubrics (see Appendix A&B). Students must meet the criteria and demonstrate the competencies for each project.
- Attendance: You are expected to be here on time and for every class. It would be hard for me to catch you up for hands on time that you had missed; you should be here for the entire class session. Not being here will affect your grade in this course because it’s a hand on class. Important information will often be covered in the beginning of class, and announcements, discussions and problems will frequently be addressed during work sessions and at the end of the period. Stopping work 15min or more before the bell, will also affect your grade.
I am looking forward to a great year and hope you are too!
Please sign and return the bottom of this sheet to Mrs. Renfroe before the end of the first week of school.
I have read and understand the contents of the Syllabus and the student handbook and Code of Conduct. I will adhere to the rules and policies described therein.
**Please download the Course Syllabus for complete information regarding class rules/regulations and work required for Digital Design II.