The AP test will be made up of two parts:1.)The Create Performance Task- The Create PT is a large programming project that THE STUDENT (NOT THE TEACHER) turns into the College Board AP Digital Portfolio prior to the AP Exam. The Create Task project is worth 30% of the AP Score. March 22, 2024 (11:59 p.m. ET) is the deadline for AP Computer Science Principles students to submit their Create performance task as final. The written portion of the Create task will take place on the Exam day.
Each student is given 12 hours of class time to complete the project. Students will submit program code, video, and a student-authored personalized project reference containing screen captures of their list and function. (1/3 of the project score.)
There will be 2 written response questions in which students have 60 minutes to answer on the day of the exam. These questions are directly related to the code contained in the student's Personalized Project Reference submitted in the Create Performance Task. (2/3 of project score)
The two questions include four distinct prompts: Written Response 1, Written Response 2(a), Written Response 2(b), and Written Response 2(c). Each written response prompt corresponds to one of four categories: Written Response 1: Program Design, Function, and Purpose; Written Response 2(a): Algorithm Development; Written Response 2(b): Errors and Testing; and Written Response 2(c): Data and Procedural Abstraction. The specific prompts will vary across the different versions of the exam. Students will have access to their Personalized Project Reference when responding to these prompts. More information about what each of these categories consist of can be found in the Exam section of the AP Computer Science Principles Course and Exam Description.
2.)The End of Course AP Exam will be Wednesday, May 15, 2024 @ 12 noon - This is a 70 question multiple choice exam. The exam consists of the following:
57 single-select multiple-choice
5 single-select with reading passage about a computing innovation
The Multiple choice section is worth 70% of the AP Score.
A student who fails to meet deadlines for the Create Project will be graded according to GBHS - Renfroe Late Work Policy. Reminder: GBHS has paid for the cost of your student's AP Exam. Students are required to complete all components of the AP Exam. The Create Project will be completed during class and this project will be an important part of your grade during the 4th quarter.